2. ES 335 Restoration Under Way

David Eichelbaum is up in Ojai CA, but he sends me pictures of his progress on my old 1964 ES-335.  He has removed the old wiring harness (not much fun on a 335 I’m sure) and the pickups.  They are 70s era tar-back “Super-Humbuckers” someone installed in the early 70s with cream colored rings.  

Not a bad pickup, but since they aren’t original let’s try something different. Lindy Fralin “Pure P.A.F.s”

Lindy Fralin Pure P.A.F.

I asked David to keep my pickup selector and neck pickup volume knob switched around.  I know it’s odd, but I like having that volume knob in close to my right hand.  After 35+ years David is finally making the hole the proper size for the volume pot.  He plugged it re-drilled and matched the color.


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